AE - Afrique Emergence
AE stands for Afrique Emergence
Here you will find, what does AE stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Afrique Emergence? Afrique Emergence can be abbreviated as AE What does AE stand for? AE stands for Afrique Emergence. What does Afrique Emergence mean?Afrique Emergence is an expansion of AE
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Alternative definitions of AE
- additional entry
- Auto Exposure
- Award Of Excellence
- Almost Every
- Alter Ego
- Application Entity
- After The End
- Acoustic Electric
View 204 other definitions of AE on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- ATA Afrique Tambour Assistance
- AFRODEP Afro Centre for Dev. Peace & Justice
- AAN Agape 4 All Nation
- AFHADI Agape Family Health Aid and Development Initiative
- AOH Agape Orphanage Home
- AGAR AGAR vision africa
- APFHA Agbekoya Parapo Farmers and Hunters Association of nigeria
- AC Age Concept
- ACF Aged Concern Foundation
- AIF Ageless International Foundation
- ASANAM Agency for the Safety of Aerial Navigation in Africa and Madagascar
- AFCODE Agenda for Community Development
- ACD Agent of Communication and Development
- AADA Agir Autrement pour le Developpement en Afrique
- ARC Agrhymet Regional Centre
- AAF Agricultural Aid Foundation
- ARDA Agricultural and Rural Development Association
- APEGS Agricultural Production Extension and General Services
- AHG Aid for Humanity Ghana
- AIDF AID Foundation